1、cmos battery state low(CMOS电池不足)
2、keyboard interface error(键盘接口错误)
3、hard disk drive failure(硬盘故障)
4、hard disk drive sailure(硬盘参数故障)
5、missing operating ststem(硬盘主引导区被破坏)
6、non system disk or disk error(启动系统文件错误)
7、replace disk and press A key to reboot(CMOS硬盘参数不匹配)
8、invalid media type reading drive C: (硬盘参数不匹配)
9、invalid drive specification(硬盘BOOT引导系统被破坏)
10、invalid BOOT diskette,diskette BOOT failure(软盘引导系统错误)
11、FDD controller failure BIOS(软驱控制错误)
12、HDD controller failure BIOS(硬盘控制错误)
13、Drive error(BIOS硬盘控制错误)
14、Cache memory bad,do not enable cache(主板Cache故障)